luni, 28 februarie 2011

Reality and dream

Between reality and dream
I open my eyes for a new film
Not sure where I've been and where I go
I step on the naked floor

After a silent peaceful night
I spread my wings in the dark
In my journey to the sky
I see the rain falling on the ground

I hide after the heavy clouds
To watch over you from above
I whisper your name
And you hear me through the rain

You look to the sky
And for a moment you cry
Because you find there a star
But it seems so far

It is my love shinning for you
After the storm, I finally found you
To stay with you forever is what I want to
Believe me when I say eternally
"I love you"



De ce esti nemultumit
Cand nu meriti ce-ai primit
Iti doresti tot altceva
Ignorand fiinta ta

Constiinta e in tine
Doar deschide ochii bine
Elibereaza-ti trupul de-nclestare
Iar mintea du-o peste hotare

De-acum esti liber sa fii
Ceea ce vrei tu sa devii
Vei fii mai frumos decat versul
Contopindu-te cu universul

Linistit, cu ganduri line
Regasindu-te pe tine
Vei multumi clipei ce vine
Fara lacrimi si suspine

Cuprins de-aceasta implinire
Prezentul iti va fii faclie
De libertate si iubire
Caci vei trai in vesnicie.

sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011

Love never fails

Love is when you see beyond the imperfection
When you find the answer without put any question
Love is the essence of the truth
It s never lasting when your belief is poor
Love is the sacred key of the Lord
It s always patient and forgives all. 


The best scene of my life

To stay with you and watch the sky
Would be the best scene of my life
We could lay on the grass and play with the flies
And maybe we could catch small dragonflies

Or maybe butterflies?
I would like to hear a child who cries
Or to see an old woman who smiles
I would like to show you how beautiful is life
In every little piece of advice
In every sound of laugh instead he or she cries
In every moment in which is no need of lies
In every morning s rise.
God is watching us all the time 
We could live simply, the way He liked
We could try not to search for material
When our essence is one spiritual
My love for you is beautiful
And because I live for you
I have to make things right to show you
Eternal love is what I own you.


When birds are singing

When birds are singing 
I am still dreaming
Of good things could be
Between you and me

When birds are singing
I am still dreaming
That we try to make
A funny puppy cake

When birds are singing
I am still dreaming
That my man will come
When spring will be gone

When birds are singing
I am still dreaming
That we were blessed
To build our nest

When birds are singing
I am still dreaming
We will find each other
By loving our Father.


A walk in the forest

I was walking alone in the forest
Trying to find a place to rest
All by myself and thoughts
I felt on my skin some raindrops

In this silent solitude i found you
It was a lovely morning with dew
I followed the music from you
And i felt the emotion of new 

Art of letting go


I wished you never felt this emptiness
I am not so good, but I try my best 
You improve me your respect, but please
Don t see me as someone more than you expect

I never want to see you suffer
I m sorry I can't make time pass faster
Maybe in real I won't be what you really wanted
I could only love you, more than you imagined

If someone could make you happier than I do
Then, I would try to release you
My heart is already dreaming of you
It s just a matter of time, I swear we'll make it trough.

You know how much I love you!

Ai fost

Tandretea zilelor de mai
Poezia clipelor de rai
Maiestria muzicii la nai
Biletul de dus in tramvai
Albinuta ce peste mari zburai
Dupa fluturele ce frumos ii cantai
Iubire vesnica tu ii jurai
Si inima, zilnic, tu ii rapeai
N-ai mai scris, apoi, cum obisnuiai
Oare intr-adevar ai plecat in rai?


Acum am inteles de ce iti placea iarna
Atata puritate in fulgii de nea
M-am plimbat admirandu-i frumusetea
Tu erai copacul ce o sustinea.

vineri, 25 februarie 2011

Flori de amintire

Pe flori de amintire am pasit mereu
Vrajita de vibratia muzicii lui Orfeu
Te vedeam pentru totdeauna al meu
Inzestrandu-te cu calitati de zeu

Ai fost o simpla petala
Rupta dintr-o nota muzicala
Pianul ce odata ma mangaia
M-a ranit cu amintirea ta

Poate ai murit sau poate-i altceva
Dar eu te pastrez in inima mea
Ma hranesc cu imbratisari de gand
Si te iubesc ca pe un sfant. 

Kiss the rain...

In viata mea esti o minune
Caci te-ai nascut din rugaciune
Nopti nedormite si cuget amar
Acum constat ca n-au fost in zadar

Ai aparut ca o raza de soare
Si m-ai cules ca pe o floare
Mi-ai oferit caldura ta
Spre a-mi lumina faptura

Viata noastra-i o impletire de rime
Din sentimentele cele mai fine
Ne-am regasit intr-o simpla melodie
Din stropii de ploaie ce cad in armonie.


Mi-ai aratat lumea in mii de culori
Cand tu zambeai, rasareau flori
Cand imi cantai, ma-nfiorai
Si la ureche imi sopteai

Ca vei duce-n lumi ceresti
Iubirea noastra din povesti
Ca m-ai cules dintr-o mie
Ca pe o perla vie

Mi-ai oferit acest dar: “noi”
Si ne plimbam sarutand ploi
A fost bucuria unei calatorii in doi
Muzica ei o stiam doar noi

Cand tu m-ai invitat in ring
Valsul fluturilor il schitam timid
Atunci m-ai sarutat in vis
Si m-am trezit intr-un abis

De ce un trist deznodamant
Cand ai facut un legamant?
La portile singuratatii batand
Vei descoperi ce zace-n cuvant


Vis de copil

As vrea sa mai fiu un copil naiv
Sa cred ca iubirea se naste din senin
Sa visez cu ochii deschisi la un print
Pana cand somnul ma va lua dinadins

Sa calatoresc pe mare si pe uscat
Ca un suflet ratacitor si abandonat
Sa suspin in zadar pana cand cerul
Imi va potoli din suflet gerul.

Calatorind printre vise
Zdrobind portile inchise
Din intuneric spre lumina
Am pasit intr-o lume divina

O lume in care forma vie
Are ca piatra de temelie
Iubirea vesnica ce nu cunoaste
Distanta ce pana la stele renaste.