miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011


I want to be your butterfly
To fly with you above the sky
I don't want to make you cry
Instead of it I better die.

There's no need to be alone
You should take me to your home
Keep me safety from the storm
And I swear I'll keep you warm.

Fly with me above the sky
If you fall I'll catch you by
Don't be sad and better try
To enjoy a butterfly...


If a simple person like me can bring a smile
If little things find the way to your heart
If you would be happy with me
Then I could wait for you eternally.

If only I could be near you
If only I could bring the rainbow to you
If only you would never make me run
I would smile with you to the sun.

If this is not imagination
If you believe in this creation
Give me the chance to show you
That God help us to make it true.

I ask you to have faith in me
I want you to be near me
And I promise to respect you
As long as I will live with you.

I will be waiting for you...


Iubirea ta n-o intelege pe a mea
Lasa-ma sa iti arat ca in ea
O alta lume, nu banala, nici normala
Se deshide cu o cheie speciala.

De-o cauti incet, te vei apropia de
Pamant, mare si munte-n departare
Dar poate n-o vei afla
Nici in cer, mare sau uitare.

De-o vei forta, va disparea
Si nimic n-a ramanea.
Mai bine urmeaza chemarea
Si ia la drum bunatatea si iertarea.

Cativa pasi de ocrotire si uimire
Apropie-te cu inima impacata
Sa descoperi ce cautai de fapt:


Fericire izvorata din Adevar
Patrunde-n suflet si in gand
Primeste si lumineaza
Nesiguranta noastra.

Clipa a vesniciei,
Acolo ramai si deschide
Ganduri si zambete
Bucurie, nebunie.

Simtire sa devenim
Iubire sa raspandim
Pe toti sa-i incalzim
Si-n tacere sa pustiim.

Ce lume minunata
De Dumnezeu creata
In Duh bun vegheata
Frumos s-o pretuim !

Vino cu mine

Vino cu mine, indruma-ma Tu
Sa aleg binele, la rau sa spun Nu!
Ia-ma de mana ca sa nu cad
In ce-i firesc pentru unii,
Iar pentru altii e iad.

Oare nu esti Tu Doamne
Cel ce desparte viata de moarte?
De ce cred unii ca te afli departe
Esti ceea ce-n noi se cheama
Setea de carte.