marți, 29 martie 2011

marți, 15 martie 2011

My eyes

My eyes are a window
Opened to the sky
My eyes are made for people
To see what hide inside

My eyes are made for beauty
My eyes are made for love
Sometimes made from crystal
Sometimes from the sun

My eyes can see through ocean
The beauty you carry inside
My eyes have met the person
With whom to share this life.

Lost in the crowd

I'm so ashamed I could ever have doubt
Without you I'm lost in the crowd
I lie to myself when I need you so much
When you're not here my heart hurts so much
Maybe life is sometimes not fair
But we are not allowed to dispair
When you love you need to pay a price
I'd take any risk, just to see you smile
God sent you to take care of me
Because He heard the prayers that were made for me
I know you are the one for me
There's always a reason for what it should be
I really want to make you happy
Our love is just meant to be
I'm not afraid to join you in this way
You changed my life, nothing will be the same
I want to be by your side my whole life
I am sure we can spend a good time
My heart will always return to your call
I have no eyes for the others no more
To be with you is all that I want
My heart is yours, do whatever you want
But always take care, it may fall apart
And break into pieces when you don't want
I wish you didn't feel this pain
Sometimes I think I'm insane
All I want is to walk with you in the rain.


One day...

I'm so afraid that one day you wake up and I'll be gone
Except of you, in my life will be no one
You made me feel real loved
Without you I would easily fall
Time is passing and I want you to know
That even if I'm gone I'd still be waiting for
A single moment to take you in my arms
Would make you understand how deep is my heart.

sâmbătă, 12 martie 2011

Tren dupa tren

Tren dupa tren, gara dupa gara
Deja calatoria a devenit o povara
Nu stiu incotro s-o apuc
Cand clipele bune se duc

Ma plimb si ma pierd
Si tot merg si ma pierd
Si nu stiu ce sa caut
Si nu stiu de ce merg

Sa raman in abis
Sau sa plec pe pustiu
In speranta ca maine
O sa reinviu…


Now or Never

My tears have found the rays of hope
Since you embraced me with your love
It would be so hard for me
If you walked away from me
I love you and I want to be
With you in perfect harmony
I promised to be yours forever
You are special like no other
I want to be with you forever
Let s be together now or never.

Endless Love

It was the song of the sea
That brought you to me
Now I stare and all I can see
Is your image coming to me

Late in the night
There's a shadow of light
Embracing me tide
My sweet love of mine

I am the siren calling your name
You are the sailor coming my way
You capture and take me away
Lost in the heart of the ocean
We vow eternal devotion

The never ending ocean
Where you feel this emotion
Is the place you take part
The endless love of my heart.

Spectacolul vesniciei

Sub ochiul vesel si trist
Se desfasoara un spectacol
Uneori pare-un lung obstacol
Alteori un vis.

Si eu, si tu cuprindem cu ochii
Mai mult decat putem intelege.

Inchidem ochii cu emotie crescanda
Urmarea ne-arunca intr-un timp absent
Si pasim in vesnicie lent,
Spectacolul abia incepe...

Rascruce de vanturi

Am ajuns la o rascruce de vanturi
Si ma agat de fiece ganduri
Imi vedeam viata intr-un singur sens
Care acum a devenit non-sens

Nu stiu de azi va fii maine tamaie
Si tu vei fii doar o simpla statuie
Nu stiu daca jocul a devenit realitate
Si numai moartea ne mai desparte

Ce urat ca traim ca si cand ar fii bine
Mintindu-ne ca senzatia e numita iubire
Ce gri ne apasa, mai mare ca cerul
Suntem mai reci, mai pustii decat gerul

Ce rost sa iti spun acum “te iubesc”
Cand in ploi de pustiu ma contopesc
Mai draga imi e singuratatea
Decat sa ma sufoci cu nedreptatea

Ce rau ti-am facut sa ma intemnitezi
Pentru nesiguranta sa ma tot suspectezi
Suntem facuti sa mergem alaturi
Nu tu in fata si eu pe de laturi

Tine-ti pentru tine falsa prietenie
A ma tortura, nu se cheama iubire
Nu sunt o marioneta de jucarie
Ramai pe veci in a ta gelozie.

In colivia gandurilor mele

Ne-am refacut din cioburile multor amintiri
Plini de speranta, schimband multe priviri
Ne-am reintors la clipa de-nceput
Cand in noi, si eu si tu am crezut

Te-am regasit pe tine, ce dulce amintire
Traiesc cu bucurie ideea de iubire
De ce ne contrazicem in mici si mici detalii
Ai vrea sa fiu  a ta icoana din vitralii?

As vrea a pune lacat peste-ale mele ganduri
Dar din taina aceasta dezleg doar mici franturi
Sa fie universul un ego al gandirii
Cu care sa comunic prin undele simtirii?

Ai acceptat acum sa fim ca doi copii
Si tare mi-as dori sa vad ca poti zambi
N-am vrut sa te supar, te rog nu te sfii
Frumoasa-i inocenta de a te iubi!

Ochiul floare

Inca o fila patata de cerneala
In speranta unor minti insetate
Cu ce va ajuta un vers de poezie
Cand stihurile rasuna in iubire?

Nu va mai pierdeti in sentimente necristalizate
Cultivati degraba irisul din voi !
Va inflori iubire, vor inflori si ploi
Dar ochiul – floare alba- se va desface in doi.

Endless blue sky

When the sky is blue
I want to walk with you
When the grass is green
I want to lay with you in
When the sun is yellow
I want to say hello
When my lips are red
I want a kiss from my man
When flowers are purple
I want to be a little turtle
When i take my white dress
I want to be with you for the rest.



Sunt o vrabiuta ce rataceste
In albul fulgilor de nea
Strasnic imi e cantul ce nimeni nu-l gandeste
Cand caut cu speranta doar privirea ta

Ma hranesc…cu frunzele uscate
Uitate de-anotimpul tristelor priviri
As vrea sa ma inalt spre lumi indepartate
Dar ma ascund de ganduri si sumbre presimtiri

Cine intelege tangoul maruntilor mei pasi
Cand din durere incerc sa ma ridic?
Acei care-au lasat-o, sunt numai niste lasi
Tacerea de ranit, sacalii n-au simtit.

When it's raining

I can hear your calling when it's raining
I can feel your soft touch on my face
I can see that as time is passing
Our love is becoming the most beautiful romance

When it's raining in a perfect silent way
I know that you are there
We're made from the same tear
That s falling day by day

I know that when it's raining
You wished me to be there
But I'm with you...just listen
The lovely sound of rain.